Teaching kids about prayer is like explaining the plot of a really complex movie. Where do you start? Prayer is such a fundamental part of faith, yet it's so abstract. You can't see it, you can't touch it, but you know it's there. It’s like Wi-Fi. How do you explain Wi-Fi to a kid? It’s invisible, but without it, nothing works.
Starting Simple
First, keep it simple. The Bible encourages us to approach God with childlike faith (Matthew 18:3). So, when teaching kids about prayer, start with the basics. Explain that prayer is just talking to God. No need for fancy words or long speeches. Just talk. It’s like calling up a friend. Except this friend knows everything, sees everything, and can do anything. No pressure.
Setting a Routine
Kids thrive on routine. Just like they have a bedtime routine or a morning routine, incorporate prayer into their daily schedule. Maybe a quick prayer before meals, thanking God for the food. A prayer before bed, thanking God for the day and asking for a good night’s sleep. Make it a regular part of their day so it becomes second nature.
Leading by Example
Kids learn by imitation. If they see you praying, they’ll be more inclined to pray themselves. Let them see you pray. Pray with them. Pray for them. When they see that prayer is important to you, it’ll become important to them. It’s like setting an example for anything else – if you want your kids to read, they need to see you reading.
Using Bible Stories
The Bible is full of stories about prayer. Daniel prayed three times a day (Daniel 6:10). Hannah prayed for a child and God answered her prayer (1 Samuel 1:27). Jesus taught his disciples how to pray with the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). Use these stories to show them how people in the Bible prayed and how God responded.
Teaching the Lord’s Prayer
Speaking of the Lord’s Prayer, it’s a great starting point for teaching kids about prayer. It’s short, it’s simple, and it covers all the bases – praising God, asking for our needs, seeking forgiveness, and asking for help in times of trouble. Break it down for them, line by line. Explain what each part means in terms they can understand.
Encouraging Honest Communication
Encourage your kids to be honest in their prayers. They don’t have to use fancy language or recite memorized lines. They can tell God anything – their fears, their joys, their hopes, and their struggles. God is a loving Father who wants to hear from His children. Let them know it’s okay to be real and honest with God.
Making it Interactive
Prayer doesn’t have to be a solemn, quiet activity. Make it interactive. Use a prayer journal where they can write or draw their prayers. Create a prayer box where they can put their prayer requests and then look back to see how God has answered them. Make it fun and engaging so they see prayer as something exciting and dynamic.
Praying for Others
Teach your kids to pray for others. It helps them develop empathy and compassion. Maybe they have a friend who’s sick or a relative who’s going through a tough time. Encourage them to pray for those people. It takes the focus off themselves and helps them see the power of prayer in a broader context.
Trusting in God's Answers
One of the hardest things to explain is that sometimes, God’s answers aren’t what we expect. Sometimes He says “yes,” sometimes “no,” and sometimes “wait.” Teach your kids to trust God’s wisdom and timing. It’s a valuable lesson that prayer isn’t just about getting what we want, but aligning our hearts with God’s will.
The Sum Up
Teaching kids about prayer involves starting simple, setting a routine, leading by example, using Bible stories, and encouraging honest communication. Make prayer interactive and teach them to pray for others. And remember, trust in God’s answers. It’s a journey of faith, and like any journey, it starts with a single step. So take that step with your kids and watch their faith grow.