Daily Text was started in 2018 and was the result of real struggles we were going through as a couple. We were constantly fighting at home, I was having trouble holding gainful employment, and worst of all, our daughter was already 2 but she wasn't baptized and we didn't even have a way to do so because we only belonged to the church hard knocks and disappointment. I realized then that my life was out of control and I had to change. But my problem was that after years of wayward living, I didn't know what to do. So I said, If I could just read one Bible verse a day, I can at least make a start towards a better life. So I tried. Big problem...I could never find the time to read, and I also didn't know what verses to read. I tried randomly opening the Bible and reading whatever page I landed on, but that wasn't super helpful. So I decided to scan through the entire Bible to find the most encouraging verses (cause I really needed it). Once I had that list I still had the problem of time. Then I said, "man, I wish I could just text myself every morning before I wake up so Bible verses would be waiting for me when I get up." Eureka! I set about learning how to code this idea into reality and then Daily Text was born. I originally just used it for myself, but then my family started using it, and here we are. Little did I know when I started this that it would be part of the beginning of a total life-transformation. Since then, my daughter has been baptized, and we've also had a son (praise God, also baptized), I've found gainful employment (Amen!), we bought a house, our home has truly become peaceful, I've reconciled with my parents, we've started consistently tithing, and we truly feel the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives. Plus many more. I know this was the kick start I needed to start trusting God more.
On another note, a good friend of mine who also has been using Daily Text for the last few years started believing for a husband, and a child, and thank the Lord, she now has both.
Another person I know was believing for peace, and reconciliation with her husband when she started using Daily Text, and praise God, she has them both now too.
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